

Salif keita - Folon

22 Jahre 5 Monate her #1225 von 5thavenue
Salif keita - Folon wurde erstellt von 5thavenue
> Es sit manchmal schön, daran zu denken, was für schöne Konzert und "schne" Menschen es doch gibt. Zum Einem gehören die Performances von Salif Keita dazu (die Chorsängerinnen flirten immer ganz kräftig mit denen die in der
ersten Reihe stehen), und zum Anderen gehört Salif Keita zu dieser sehr extravaganten Spezie von Mensch die nur schon mir Ihrer Erscheinung zu faszinieren wissen. Und das alles findet sich wieder in seiner Musik. Die die Youss'n Dour mögen oder auch Joe Zawinul, werden an Stimme und Keyboard ihrer grösste Freude haben. Das Stück "Folon" ist unplugged und stellt die Stimme des Meisters in den Fordergrund. Obwohl dies nicht nötig ist, fehlen inem hier die Worte. Erstaunlich. Lasst Euch überraschen... ich habe mich auch überraschen lassen. Ich habe das Album in 192 Qualität gerippt.

> "Salif Keita gave up a lot to pursue his dreams of a career in music. Born to royal lineage, with ancestral roots going back to Soundjata Keita, the founder of the Malian Empire in 1240, Keita was disowned by his father after announcing his plans to play music. Keita's dreams, however, were too strong to be shattered. Moving to the capitol city of Bamako in 1967, he as soon playing in nightclubs with one of his brothers. Within two years, he was invited to join the Rail Band. A popular, government-sponsored group that played regularly at the Buffet Hotel De La Gare, the Rail Band featured influential Malian guitar player Kante Manfila. Keita's soulful singing soon brought the band to a much higher plateau. In 1973, Keita and several members of the Rail Band relocated to Abidjian, the capitol of Cote D'Ivoire (The Ivory Coast). Renamed Les Ambassadeurs nternationaux, the group continued to attract attention with their lively fusion of Cuban, Zairean, and Malian influences. In 1977, Keita received the prestigious National Order of Guinea from President Ahmed Sekou Toure. Encouraged to pursue a solo career, Keita moved to Paris in 1984. Settling in the city's Montreuil section, he found a thriving community of more than 15,000 transplanted Malians. Predictions of success proved true with the release of Keita's debut solo album, Soro, in 1987. Produced by Ibrahim Sylla, the album combined African, jazz, funk, Europop, and R&B influences. In a review of the album, Rolling Stone wrote, "Keita's voice is remarkable in itself. It's high, bracing purity is heightened by a unique phrasing that combines
full-tilt warrior strength, the sensual lilt of the Brazilian samba and Islamic prayer calls." ~ Craig Harris, All Music Guide" ( aus ubl.com)

> Salif Keita - Folon

> to short

> Da schreiben selbst die Musikkritiker: "Eine Stimme die unter die Haut geht". Ich kann mir zwar nicht erklären wie das geht, aber irgendwie haben die Recht. Weniger ist eben mehr.

> 01.Tekere, 02.Mandjou, 03.Africa, 04.Nyanyama, 05.Mandela, 06.Sumun, 07.Seydou, 08.Dakan-Fe, 09.Folon

ubl.artistdirect.com/Images/Sources/AMGP...p011/p01166u432a.jpg, www.creatweb.com/salifkeita/salifportrait.jpg,



> www.rootsworld.com/rw/feature/keita2.html,
www.ubl.com (insert "salif keita"), www.islanddefjammusic.com,




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> Send Mail. Please leave that link private. Thank you.


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